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Breast Cancer Now

Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, created by the merger of Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

Project Overview

Breast Cancer Now is the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, created by the merger of Breast Cancer Campaign and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.


Breast Cancer Now required a feature-rich Drupal 7 website that provided a platform for growth and engagement across a broad range of topics. Location-based content was an important part of the objectives as it provides contextually relevant information that enhances a user’s understanding of treatments and services available in their area.

What I did

The project had a ridiculously tight deadline which required a project plan that took into account the key milestones that would enable content population at an early stage within the fixed timescales. A TV campaign had been booked with various UK networks and this fixed end point provided impetus to the project as the deadline was immovable.  

Working alongside UX and graphic designers and forming part of a two-person distributed development team, I was employed as lead Drupal developer and technical consultant.

Development initially included creating wireframes with the lead UX designer that met the functional requirements of the project whilst staying within the tight deadline and budget. The subsequent wireframes were then passed to a graphic designer whilst I began building the Drupal 7 backend in preparation for content migration.

The project uses various location-based technologies such as geo-targeted content and event management. Widely-used and well-supported Drupal modules were selected to reduce project risk and increase extensibility. The site also features some bespoke modules that integrate with third-party applications.


The site launched successfully in June 2015 in conjunction with the TV ad campaign to wide-spread acclaim. Furthermore, it's been picked up, blogged and featured across the net, and nominated for a number of awards.

Leading the way in the breast cancer sector, Breast Cancer Now has set a new standard and created a unique niche that is as well used, as it is loved. Further, mobile usage has exploded, now accounting for over half the audience.

This has seen a deeper, and longer engagement than anyone could have guessed. Interactions are markedly up, donations are up and the site is performing far above expectations.


Justin is a wonderful developer, and more importantly, a flexible one. As with lots of the best agencies, we need to continually shift and adapt with technology and the changing face of client needs. Justin has continually been a valued member of the team and his ability to shift with those requirements, be they industry, or client based, is testament to his ability and passion for producing great work.

Highly recommended.

– Paul Goodenough | CEO Aer Studios